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What Are We Here For?

The third code that is prevalent in Judaism is that of "Takkanah" or rabbinical law designed to maintain Jewish traditions. They are created when the old ones were no longer applicable or tolerable during a state of duress, such as exile or slavery, or to update when times have changed so much as to render a mitzvoth obsolete. These final portions of Jewish law are the "minhag" or religious customs that evolved into constant religious laws. These are varied, and can consist of particular details that are specific to a certain sect and group, and are retained by the Jew no matter the contrast with local minhags. .
             A study of the Jewish faith reveals that it is one of many rituals and traditions. It can be said that every act that is performed by a pious Jew is a ritual, as one can live an entire life following only the mitzvoth. There are two specific rituals however, which must be performed for a male (one for women in the Reform Sects) to be universally recognized as a full member of Jewish society: in accordance to the mandate of Abraham, all males must be circumcised. The second is the "bar mitzvah", which is the assumption of the Jewish commandments set upon Jewish male of thirteen. This is the substantive joining of a boy to the status of man by holding him accountable from then on to Jewish law.
             The exceptions to the Jewish laws are that the Jewish faith has the practice of repenting for ones wrongs. For all acts one must repent both to God and to those who were wronged. The one who was wronged must be repented to first, for as God is all knowing he will know of your atonement and recognize it. At the time of judgement, God will judge what one did over the course of ones life and weigh that in accordance with his stated everlasting love for his chosen people.
             As their history is studied, the development of the strict Jewish code of morality is one that tells of the strict forge in which their race was created.

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