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The Final Draft

             "It's there," dad said, finishing the last bite of his sandwich. "So, what do you think about taking sometime off this weekend and having a picnic on the beach?".
             Everyone agreed that it was a great idea, and for the moment the subject of the well - and the script - was forgotten.
             After lunch, Cory and I went outside and walked the length of the overgrown hedge, first up one side, then down the other.
             "This must be it." I guessed, pointing to an ancient looking gray stone well that was half hidden with a tangle of tall grass and wild rosebushes. A wooden crossbeam had a corroded bucket hanging from it by a rotting rope connected to a metal crank. I gave the crank handle a tug, "it's rusted solid," I said, disappointed.
             Cory furrowed his brow, "that well was not here this morning. I would have seen it.".
             "Oh come on Cory," I said, laughing. "It didn't suddenly appear out of nowhere. You just didn't notice it with all this stuff growing around it." I paused and gnarled my fingers like a witch. In my spookiest voice I added, "If this is a ghost well, then maybe there really is a body down there." We pulled away several overhanging vines and exposed a wooden lid that sealed the well shut.
             "I should have seen it," Cory muttered. "I know I would have.".
             "Come on" I urged. "Let's see if we can get this lid off." .
             When Cory and I went to bed that night I was still too excited about being in the creepy old house to sleep. I listened to my brothers calm, relaxed breathing, which was almost in perfect time with the soothing rhythm of the ocean waves rolling onto the nearby beach. Through the open window I could hear crickets chirping. I listened more closely.
             "Those aren't crickets" I thought, slipping out of bed. "It must be the swing squeaking." I went to the window and looked at the swing, but it was hanging perfectly still from a sturdy branch of a huge oak tree in the center of the yard. The lawn was bathed in moonlight and the edge of the cliff stood out clearly against the blackness of the ocean beyond.

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