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Comparing the styles of jonathan edwards and patrick henry

             the persuasion of his audience. One of the most persuasive metaphors he used.
             referred to "chains" that Great Britain had been forging to enslave America (Henry.
             104). Of all the allusions Henry used in his speech, by far the most persuasive was the.
             allusion to the ultimate betrayal. "Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss", was.
             an allusion to the betrayal of Jesus by a kiss from Judas in the Bible (Henry 102). One.
             other allusion Henry used to refer to the upcoming war as a "storm" which could not be.
             averted (Henry 104). These allusions and metaphors combined made Henry's speech .
             more powerful than any other of his time.
             One of the best ways to persuade a person is to get in touch with their emotions. .
             This is exactly what Edwards did. He appealed, more than anything else, to his.
             audience's emotion of fear. He portrayed God in a very angry way, so much that it.
             caused fear to enter the hearts of everyone who heard him preach. He wanted them to.
             fear ".the fierceness of [God's] wrath in hell." (Edwards 79). This fear, as it often.
             does, led to anger among his audience. It was when these emotions were brought out,.
             that his audience turned into clay for Edwards" molding.
             Similarly to Edwards, Patrick Henry appealed to his audience's emotion in his.
             Speech to the Virginia Convention. Also like Edwards, Henry used anger to persuade.
             the convention to listen to him. To bring out this anger, he explained Great Britain's.
             thoughts that "[the colonies] are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary".
             (Henry 104). To go along with the feelings of anger, he brought out the people's pride.
             in rebutting against Great Britain's accusations by saying that ".We are not weak.
             three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty. are invincible by any.
             force." (Henry 104). By appealing to his audience's anger and pride, he was able to.
             be more persuasive, and therefore, win over the crowd.
             Jonathan Edwards" purpose in writing the sermon Sinners in the Hands of an.

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