As George Lipsitz points out, our society has grown to lean towards a "white supremacy- system. This "investment in whiteness- (vii) has influenced people in almost every way in America. It has influenced people's thinking, the work force, education, and property allotment. Lipsitz purposes that some people act differently towards people of a different nationality because they have inherited these traits from their ancestors. Though I believe he is a little too dynamic in some parts of Bill Moore's Body, I do believe that the introduction persuades the general population to think about the issue of racism. I was surprised to find that the author himself was white; knowing that made me more curious as to what he had to say and why it was important enough to write about. Although I don't agree with everything the author addresses, it does make me realize that racism is still, unfortunately, in existence today; though it exists in a different form called "whiteness-.
I was born in Russia and in coming to America I was nave to racism. Not until I was older, though, did I notice some discrimination towards my nationality, as well as other nationalities. It was slight but it was nonetheless there. In their conversations, people would talk about Russian people with a marked prejudice in their voices. As I continued to observe people, I noticed there was indeed racism to some extent in this country. However, the racism that I observed wasn't the kind from the 1960's where people would be killed, beaten, harassed, or abused in some way. This kind of racism was completely different; it could have almost passed as not being racism at all. One could notice it in people's eyes, though. When a group of Hispanic people would walk by, the onlookers would glare. A family of Afghanistan people would be enjoying their day in the park, and the onlookers would turn away in apprehension. Religious persons would be out preaching the gospel, and the onlookers would laugh.