In many countries in the world, birth control and abortion are greatly restricted, again because of the will of God. Women are typically not given the same access to education or employment because we are the ones who have babies and we are told we must put our energies into taking care of them. It's our biology that limits us, not the policies of government and big business, or so we are told. Our ability to give birth is turned into a liability. For centuries now, the female body has been targeted in the medical profession. Production aspects such as: sexuality, menstruation, contracption, and fertility have kept many physicians busy and have occupied their minds. In medical science, female bodies are looked upon as if they need treatment all the time. The power of reproduction needs to be controlled, so it seems by carefully trained health workers, namely gynecologist. They say today men and women are treated equally. Some also argue that in medical profession, female bodies are not controlled and are not treated differently. This arguement does not make sense because it is interesting to see how an equivalent professional group caring for male does not exist. Is it because male don't need any gender related medical treatment and its only womens body that can be controlled. When we look at any Obstetric and Gynecology text book we can clearly see that the role of men in the reproductive technology of women lacks involvement. In my essay i have used two obstetric and gynecology text books. One is written by ten teachers and edited by Stuart Campbell and Christoph Lees and the second one is .
written by Charles Beckmann. I will first talk about the text book written by the ten authors. The main assumption that can be made from this text book is that the book is gendered towards women. The second assumption that can be made is that from the time the sperm comes in contact with the egg, the responsability of child rearing and bearing is of the women.