He can transform his own shape and he also has near immortality. You could say he has powers that are considerably more powerful then God's. It is this, which makes him even more frightening. Because God is seen as being the Almighty and wants good but some one who is evil and could be more powerful than God is scary thought especially for people that would have first read the novel when it was first published. This can still bring shivers down the back of people's spines in this day and age. .
In Frankenstein', there is a lot more acts of inhumanity towards the monster' than that of the people around the monster'. Saying this Victor's creation does also show acts of which it shows little humanity towards a human being. But it's his creation, which is a victim of inhumanity at first. This occurs when Victor creates him and then runs from him, because he just realises what a dangerous thing he has done, he abandons him. In birth the creature is described near the beginning of chapter four of the first volume as one whose "yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath- of one whose " hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing- of one who had "teeth of pearly whiteness and watery eyes that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white sockets in which they were set."" These descriptions of the creature are ones that show that he very much so like a human but yet Frankenstein runs from him. This stands in stark contrast to his parents' devotion: Victor renounces his child at the moment of its birth. It is from this in which us as readers begin to recognize the profoundly unethical character of Frankenstein's experiment and of Frankenstein himself.
In Dracula' you have you have both antagonists, this being Count Dracula he represents evil, and the protagonists is all the good which we see within the novel. The protagonists on the other hand, Compared to Count Dracula, have many endearing qualities that form an image of humanity that is very positive and good.