Carroll makes fun of the way Victorian children were raised. In the nineteenth century people were expected to behave according to a set of rules and morals. Carroll's nonsensical behavior of his characters can be seen as making fun of the way children were forced to behave. As one can see, the story of Alice takes its reader through many different levels. With the lovable creation of a fantastical world, Carroll invites his readers on a nonsensical yet familiar journey of the questioning of identity by child yearning to take the step into adulthood prematurely, enabling him to entertain while at the same time, tie in the Victorian Era. Alice's adventures in Wonderland begins with Alice sitting beside her sister commenting, "what is the use of a book without pictures or conversations?" Alice's narrow point of view will now begin to raise fundamental questions in her head about who she is. Alice has reached the stage of development where the world appears explainable. Alice's curiosity will proceed to carry her on a step from childhood to adulthood. It seems to her that she is quite the young adult. This is not such an unfamiliar thought as it is quite usual for a young child to want to behave as an adult. Her journey will sure enough challenge her belief of who she is. This journey begins when she "found herself falling down a very deep well." The first problem Alice encounters is finding a way to fit through the little door so small that she could not even fit her head through the doorway. She soon find a bottle labeled "drink me". "The wise little Alice was not going to do that in a hurry" (At this point, Alice is still behaving the way a proper Victorian child would conduct themselves in the Victorian period.) She must find a way to exit, so she can question the world she exists in. Thus, she compromises to drink what's in the bottle causing her to shrink in size. This is the beginning of what the reader will see as Alice's way of questioning her identity.