Which sports has the best athletes? Are runners the best athletes? This is a question pondered by many .
people and for many centuries. Without a doubt, running is one of the hardest sports in the world. Because of .
the way they train, their health, and their attitude towards the sport and towards life which makes the such great .
Runners are the best athletes because of the way they train. These amazing sportsmen train longer and .
harder than any other athlete on the planet. If someone were to analyze sports like Football, Baseball, .
Basketball, people who are truley skilled, do not loose their touch when they take a break from the sport, or quit .
practicing for awhile. True, they may become a little "rusty", but never the less they still have that skill they had .
when they stopped practicing. In contrast, runners must be training year-round, or risk the threat of losing all .
what they have worked for and what they gained before one stops running. Runners have a huge margin of .
error unlike other sports where who plays the best at the end of the game will be victorious. In a race however, .
a runner doesn't have that luxury. A runner has to make a split-second decision, whether to give up or push .
through the pain barrier and kepp going. This can cost the race. Some people have the idea that running is .
easy, that all runners do is go out and run long distance. This is not a totally true statement. Yes, runners do run .
to get better, but a runner must incorporate short as well as long distance in every workout. Training with to .
much endurance (distance) or speed (sprints) can shift the porportion thus increasing the chance of a bad race .
and many times, a season of complete failure. This is why training makes runners the best athletes the earth .
has to offer.
The best athletes in the world have to train hard, but also need to stay healthy. Health is the key in having .
a successful career and to become great athletes.