"Did we really land on the moon?- This was the first site that I evaluated. Looking at it, I have to say that it reminded me of ninth grade computer class, where we learned HTML basics. There is nothing special about the fonts, graphics, or backgrounds. An eight-grader could have easily made this page. This site truly does look homemade, and it probably is. A link that really isn't a link spins around in circles at the bottom of the page. A graphic that would be depicting an email is replaced by a little box with a red X' in it. Another link leads to a page with lines such as, "Get your free astrology reading here,"" and, "Police psychics and their fraudulent claims."" The site's from 2001. .
The author of this page, who gives the introduction, starts off by using conversation-like sentences. You can tell he's trying to use an element of humor in his writings, as you can see with this sentence: "I felt that this would be a good time to address this issue due to the recent program on Fox, which basically assumed that the entire population has just received a lobotomy."" The other author of this page, who writes the bulk of the information, which was originally printed in a magazine, also uses humor. He starts off by quoting his favorite episode of the Simpsons. He does not say where he gets his information from, or what his credentials are. So there you have it! The perfect example of a not-so-credible page. .
The next site I evaluated was "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon,"" a site out to show that there wasn't a moon landing. This page has good graphics. I really like how they spell out the word moon, and put a moon graphic in the last o'. Very cute! This site has been updated recently. I clicked on a link labeled "recent press- and was led to a page updated on 03/06/04, which looked credible. You can even view this site in French and Spanish! Overall, this web site looks very well put together; very professional.