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Search for Love

             In the book Their Eyes Were Watching, the main character, Janie, marries three men and divorces two; ending up with the man she loves. Janie starts out with the same meaning for each of her husbands except one, but after time those beliefs prove to be false and she changes in the eyes of her first two husbands. Janie's husbands married her for different reasons, but in the end true love wins.
             Janie's first husband, Logan Killucks, was a fair and gentle man. Janie's Grandmother raised her and tried to instill the belief that Janie needed a man, and why not marry a man with such admirable traits. Her grandmother did this because she was very close to death and would not be around to take care of her anymore. So Nanny sets Janie up with this prominent black man, and soon they are married. Logan spoke in rhymes to her hoping to woo her over. Janie takes care of the house and Logan tends to the fields. Logan married Janie without even knowing her, or giving himself time to get a vague understanding of who she was. This means that Logan married her for other reasons than love, he married her because she is a beautiful and delicate younger woman. Janie asks, "Does marriage compel love?"(Hurston 22). He does not marry her for the right reasons and it soon begins to show through. After some time goes by Logan begins to ask more of Janie, telling her that he is going to buy a mule for her to help him with the fields in the upcoming harvest. He starts to tell her that she needs to help him outside the house with chores suitable for a man, like shoveling piles of manure (Hurston 34). This is suitable for a man, but not for a delicate woman such as Janie. He stops talking to her in rhymes showing his lack of interest in her emotionally, and begins to express interest in her showing her worth in more physically demanding ways. A man that married Janie for love and not simple companionship would treat Janie like the delicate young woman that she is.

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