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Disadvantages of parole

Washington has the highest probations figures (3,619 per 100,000) while Kentucky has the lowest (437 per 100,000). Texas has the largest number of offenders on probation (443,758), while North Dakota has the lowest (2,658), highest rate of probation, 58% of offenders under government control are on probation the remaining offenders are either on parole 11% or in prison or jail (29%). In result of 3 out of 5 on probation were convicted of a felony; 2 out of 5 for a misdemeanor. 1 in 4 on probation was convicted of a drug law violation; about 1 in 5 was there for D.U.I. Also 1 in 5 probationers are women; 2 in 3 are white 3 in 5 released from probation in 1999 had successfully met the conditions of their probation; 1 in 5 were incarcerated for a rule violation or a new offense. .
             Disadvantages of Parole 4.
             Most states have probation restrictions on certain crimes (major felonies). .
             Murder and rape cases are almost universally rejected as offenses for probation. The rest of offenses which allow for probation vary greatly by jurisdiction. The most important aid in determining who receives probation is accurate persistence information. Offenders on Probation are Subject to 2 Types of Conditions. A set of requirements that all probationers in a given jurisdiction must observe. These conditions may include steady employment; meet regularly with parole officer, so they follow with a strict treatment recommendations and specific conditions. The majority of requirements are most specific to the individual that are imposed by the judge at the time of sentencing. Over the years there have been some interesting findings in probation and parole. The younger the offender, the greater the likelihood of law violations of probation or parole. More often women are less likely to violate probation or parole than men. Usually married offenders are less likely to commit new offenses than unmarried offenders.

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