154). Over half of all women in the United States have paid jobs or are looking for them. All of these people belong to the largest of the U.S. class structures, the working class, although they do not all possess occupations considered to be "manual labor". .
There are a vast amount of people who fall in between the ruling class and the working class. Independent producers such as artisans, small farmers, providers of service, and small shopkeepers make up the lower middle class or petite bourgeoisie (Sweezy, p. 126). There are also a variety of people who make up the area between capitalists and wage laborers who cannot be classified as either one. These professions include government and business bureaucrats, professionals, teachers, journalists, and many others (Sweezy, p. 126). Often individuals falling into this social class are identified as the new middle class due to their amazing growth, both absolutely and relatively to the other classes (Sweezy, p. 126). A final group of people that play an important role in the capitalist society are usually called declassed elements. These people include bums, gamblers, thugs, and prostitutes (Sweezy, p. 126).
If every single adult American who owns $1 million or more in corporate stock came and sat in the Rose Bowl's 104,696 seats, the stadium would still be half empty (Zeitlin, p. 143). This tiny proportion of the population, represented by barely more than one-twentieth of one percent of adults in the United States, encompasses a fifth of all the corporate stock (Zeitlin, p. 144). If what the wealthiest one percent of the population own were to be calculated, it would show them to own a seventh of all real estate, more than half of all corporate stock, and almost all the trust assets. Summed up, one quarter of the net worth of the entire adult population is being held up by the top one percent of the population of the United States (Zeitlin, p.