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Vox Populi..

In Closing Time, Heller returns armed with the surviving cast of Catch-22 to highlight again the problems with the USA today. A keen social satirist, Heller's style of jocular dialogue and scenarios as a front end to a very grave and serious underlying meaning.
             In their quest to topple the imposing monolith of America commercial greed, racist underbelly and hypocritical government these three writers all use very different styles. Firstly, Vonnegut's unmistakable style is exaggerated in Breakfast of Champions, his 50th birthday present to himself, in which he gleefully takes aim in a self-declared open season on America's society. The story is fragmented and often Vonnegut commands the reader to "Listen-. Not in keeping with the weighty subject matter, Vonnegut writes in the style of a Children's encyclopaedia, for example when he introduces us to the sleeping patterns of a lamb and the function of a gun, complete with visual accompaniment;.
             "A gun was a device that's sole purpose was to make holes in human beings: It looked like this-.
             This style of streamlined, succinct satire is extremely effective as it does not impose any ideals upon the reader, but merely states the facts, leaving the reader to judge on the blatant simplicity of the words while highlighting the absurdity of the violent acts that occur daily in America. In this instance it is also ironic that the lamb symbolises purity and Christian morality regarding the value of life, while the gun typifies the cost of American freedom. Vonnegut's own illustrations serve to give his points an extra resonance - a cow on one page, a burger on the next, or a drawing of a chicken proceeded by a bucket of chicken wings (soon followed by a picture of a body bag, drawing parallels between the two without actually hinting with the text). This juxtaposition shows how carefully we serve up an animal for our own consumption, but how soullessly and unceremoniously we discard humans.

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