Unfortunately, it would be awhile before it hit the stores. Warner saw that tough times were ahead, their computer market couldn't compete with Apple and Commodore, and the 7800 would not be ready to sell for a while. Warner then decided to sell the computer division of Atari to Jack Tramiel, the man who founded Commodore. Warner kept the video arcade division, which was then called Atari Games. Tramiel had left Commodore early in 1984. A few months after leaving Commodore Tramiel founded TTL, Tramiel Technology Limited, to produce a 16bit personal computer. He wanted to market this computer through Atari because it was such a widely known name. With the help of his three sons Sam, Leonard, and Gary he focused on Atari's home computer division (http://hmk.best.vwh.net/ahistory.htm).
At the 1985 Winter CES the Tramiels presented their new 8-bit home computer, the XE series, which was fully compatible to the old Atari computers. They also released two 16 bit computers called the 130ST and 520ST, which were based on the 68000micro processor and featured a graphical user interface like Apple Macintosh. The 520ST was introduced at a price of $599, which was one-third of the price of the Macintosh. The computers were a hit, now all that needed to be done was to get them in mass production (http://hmk.best.vwh.net/ahistory.htm).
In 1986 Atari released the 1040ST, which was the first personal computer to have one mega byte of RAM. Also that year Atari started to sell it's 7800 game system. In 1987 Atari introduced the Mega ST and the Atari Laser Printer. Over the next few years Atari released the TT, ATW, 1040STE, and Lynx, a portable game system (http://hmk.best.vwh.net/ahistory.htm).
In 1993 Atari released it's last computer system, the Falcon. Also in November 1993 Atari released its 64-bit Jaguar video game system. It wasn't until Christmas of 1994 that Atari released a number of games for its Jaguar system.