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Premonition of Death

            As I look back upon my brothers' death, I realize, just five days prior to his accident that he had a premonition of how it would happen. Most of my life was spent believing that people who had premonitions were crazy. After witnessing his actions that last day, it really changed my way of thinking. From that moment on, I had to stop and reconsider all of the little things, as well as the major events in my life.
             June 20, 1993 was not just any other day "it was Father's Day. It was cause for a big family gathering at my grandparents' house. What made it even more special was the fact that I was pregnant with the first grandchild and great-grandchild in my family. After lunch, we pulled out some old family photos, reminiscing about our childhood. Right before I had to leave for work my brother Mark came across a picture of our father's motorcycle accident. Matter-of-factly, he remarked, "If I'm ever in an accident, I want to be asleep and for it to happen so fast I don't know what's happening."".
             About five o'clock that evening Mark stopped at Papeno's, the pizza place where I worked, to get a sandwich before going home. While he was there he asked how my pregnancy was going and said, "You have to take care of my nephew for me, you know."" He then told me about his plans to attend church camp for the week. As he was leaving he looked at me and said, "I love you. Take care of yourself and that baby."" For some reason, I didn't want him to leave, so I followed him out to his truck and jokingly asked, "Is that thing going to get you home?- He turned around with the biggest grin and started patting the hood of the truck. "Yeah, this beast is going to take me where I have to go. Bye, Sis, and I love ya."" After getting home from work my husband Jesse and I discussed how strangely Mark had acted all day. I went to bed that night feeling a bit strange myself, and a little sad.

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