The final paragraph of this section begins a theme that runs throughout the final paragraphs of all four sections of the advertisement. Lexical repetition of the word "support," ("thanks to the support," "become a supporter," "all our supporters- "It is your support,") is vital to this theme. The section has explained what is wrong with the earth, why its going wrong, that its not too late, and now (most importantly) what we, the reader can do to help stop the damage. "Support" in this case is used as a verb, and gives the impression of aiding something/someone. The verb "to support" means literally "to bear the weight of." In this context the reader is left feeling that by supporting Friends Of The Earth, they are helping to bear the weight of the whole planet as well as the organisation itself.
The second section of the piece begins with the graphologicaly fore grounded title "Our Successes are your successes." This is vital to the flow of the piece mainly due to the personal pronouns used. In the first section, personal pronouns were scarce, they are very general and tend to blanket humanity as one race, not singling out anyone in particular ("Humankind is putting it all at risk," "people everywhere-) This phrase uses personal pronouns to begin to establish a rapport with the reader, indicating that Friends Of The Earth, and "us" are not dis-similar. The lexical repetition of the verb "successes" is also vital in the establishment of this rapport, indicating to the reader that our triumphs, and the triumphs of the organisation are one and the same. This rapport is further built upon as the piece moves forward.
The most interesting features the main body of this section uses are finite verbs (all of which are in the past tense.) They begin by introducing us gently to their achievements by telling us they "persuaded Parliament to pass three major environmental Acts- The verb persuade giving the impression that they convinced Parliament to pass these Acts through logic and reasoning.