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             This is a research paper on the banning of human cloning. Human cloning does have benefits for medical uses; however the side effects can be dangerous and even deadly. This argumentative essay states the psychological distresses as well as the social harms .of the clones. Human cloning should be banned because it results to problems in the future.
             Cloning is a form of genetic engineering in which the DNA of a person, animal, plant, or even bacterium is used to produce a perfect or near perfect genetic replica of the original (Stanley 7). The history of human cloning first began in 1997 when Dolly the sheep was cloned from another sheep. Then the National Bioethics Advisory Commission was formed in the United States. In 1998, Fibro the first mouse was the first animal to be cloned from the donor's reproductive system. Also, in 1999, calves are cloned from cow's milk. In the year 2000 cloning continues to be debated, as an option to provide needed human organs and to help those who are infertile.
             Human cloning assists infertile couples by providing them an alternate method of conceiving a child. This allows women who have no ova or men who have no sperm to .
             Produce a child that is biologically related to them. Furthermore, human cloning saves lives. Many people die from waiting for a donor whose organ or tissue is an acceptable match to the person in need of it. These benefits listed only seem positive to people in favor of human cloning. However, the negative effects outweigh the positive.
             Human cloning helps the infertile but there is a chance the baby will be deformed and have health problems, including a shortened life span. In contrast to human cloning saving lives, it can have negative effects on the female that is conceiving the fetus. The females encounter miscarriages, stillbirths, and very hard pregnancies, which puts the mother in risk of dying from the stress or complication of the pregnancy.

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