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Carmicheal speech

            -According to Carmichael, how is power shared in the United States, and what steps must the African-American population take to gain power?.
             In the speech "Toward Black Liberation," Carmichael Defines power as solely granted to the white community. He then puts forth, the Negro community has entirely been shut out from participation in any decisions that shaped society. I believe Carmichael is implying to the Negro community that they must segregate from the white community and become an independent race so the two races will share equal power.
             -How does Carmichael differentiate personal from institutional racism? How might these two kinds of racism mirror de jure and de facto discrimination?.
             Carmichael gives us two examples to differentiate these two types of racism. He defines personal racism when a tragic, intentional crime is committed to a Negro. Carmichael states that the crime is widely deplored by society. While on the other hand, Carmichael describes institutional racism as the whole Negro community, injured through the lack of proper food, shelter, and medical facilities. Carmichael refers to this act as being accepted in both communities.
             I believe that de jure discrimination reflects institutional racism a great deal. When institutional racism occurs there is no law being broken, but society still lets these horrible things continue. De facto discrimination and personal racism mirror each other quite well. This type of discrimination is looked upon as unreasonable. Personal racism is also looked at in the same manner.
             -How do you think Carmichael might, in a few words, define Black Power?.
             I believe Carmichael's definition of Black Power is that Negro-Americans should stand up against discrimination and racism whether it is violent or non-violent and form their own economic, political, and cultural institutions.

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