The death penalty keeps people from committing serious crimes.
are going to die they will not commit the crime. The death penalty is a good idea, it helps .
to bring down the crime rate in different states.
As christians, we have to follow the teachings of the bible. For example, in the bible .
it says that every life is important. Because we are christians we have to listen to the .
teachings in the bible, and I believe that if someone takes someone's life away, they .
deserve to die. It is our religion and we have to believe in what it says. In addition, putting .
someone to death will stop them from committing another crime. If a criminal is dead, then .
the criminal cannot commit another crime. The criminal deserves the death penalty because .
he committed the crime. Every life is important, therefore, if you take someone's life away, .
then your life should also be taken away.
Revenge means to inflict punishment in return for something. For example, if someone .
kills somebody your immediate actions are toward the murderer. Revenge is something that .
everybody encounters in their lifetime. Everybody has taken revenge on someone. In .
addition, revenge is a state of mind when someone is focused on something. It is not good .
to have revenge because people do not think about anything else but what they are focused .
on. People might do things that they do not mean to do. Overall, revenge is a bad thing .
that everybody does.
The death penalty is a good idea because it gives some kind of justice to the .
victims or relatives of the victims. The death penalty keeps people from commiting crimes. If .
they know that they are going to die then they will not commit the crime.