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Hang loose

            In the movie "Higher Learning" there are a lot of examples of different racial groups, ethnic groups, prejudice behavior, and also an incident of inter-group relations such as pluralism. There are several characters that are involved is these acts. .
             The different types of racial groups that are in the film would be African Americans that call them selves the black hole, and Chinese people that are called china town. The people in the black hole group are one of the main groups in the film. Malik is an African American that goes to Columbus University on a track scholarship; another African American athlete runner tortures this first year student struggling with he's academics. .
             As for the ethnic groups there are Jewish people, and Polish people. Throw out the film there are a wide variety of Jewish and polish people. The roommate of another character who changed rooms once because he couldn't stand living with an African American. A senior and leader of the black hole spent his last year partying in the dorm. .
             In the film some people don't know the seriousness of there actions at times, not knowing that is could be disturbing to others. There are a few instances that are perfect examples of prejudice behavior. There are a few gentle men that are the campus police and they are there to protect that student and help those whom need their assistance and give the same care to all. In this instance that is not the case. The campus police seem to have a thing about white people are better then African Americans. The people from the "black hole" group seem to be always miss treated. An African American senior was having a party at his dorm as well as others on campus from all types of race, and the campus police came and broke the party up because of the noise level. The campus police said nothing to the others on campus. .
             In the beginning Christen a freshmen from California was also staying in a dorm.

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