After selecting Get Started I was given one of two options either open new project or create a new project so I selected the latter. To add to my dismay I was presented with another even more confusing window believe it or not. .
There was a list of projects types down the left hand side and icons on the left hand side representing templates. To be honest I wasn't familiar with any of the icons which didn't help matters. I think the window is too clustered and it left me with too much too look at and I was a bit bewildered. Too much information at the one time. .
At this stage I literally felt like quitting. Five minutes had gone and I still hadn't made any real progress. I found this window very intimidating with all the various different options and to add to the fact that I honestly hadn't a clue what I was doing. Eventually I discovered the right path by selecting Visual Basic Projects and Windows applications. The process of getting started definitely didn't impress me. .
I was then presented with a window (below), Visual Basic Desktop which looked pretty simple and basic at first glance. It contained the basic layout other Microsoft packages use regarding the menu layout toolbar. It has your various options like File, Edit, View, Format, Tools, and Windows all along the top and the cut and paste, and copy, save, open folder icons which was a bit reassuring as I recognised them and knew a little about their various operations. .
A smaller window was in the left hand corner of the screen (form1) in which I could create and design my interface. One thing that aggravated me a little about this, although you could extend the size of the window you actually couldn't move it into the center of the page where you can focus on it better and if you open the toolbox on the left hand side it interferes with your viewing. That leads me onto the toolbox. The icon is pretty familiar and relevant.