As I grew up watching fairy-tale romances, I was certain that I would one day find my prince charming and live happily ever after. However, with over four percent per thousand American matrimonies ending in divorce, this once assumed simple vow may need reassessment. So what are the secrets of a blissful couple? I decided to seek advice from my mother who declared her love thirty years ago and is still pleased to this day. .
Marriage is a commitment that requires deep thought and consideration before a decision is made because it may not be right for everyone.
My mom met my father and her future husband when she was only eighteen and he was twenty. Within six weeks of dating and against all odds, they were engaged. Three decades and three children later, my parents are an example of a successful relationship. According to her, communication is key. She believes that "marriage should be give and take." The best thing for a couple is to support one another in everything they do. By living by these beliefs, she's maintained contentment and learned a lot about herself.
While my parents have found marriage to be ideal for them, it isn't necessarily the right option for everyone. My roommate, Brittany, believes that "people change throughout their lives and you can't expect each other to change at the same pace or direction." This is evident as the rates of separation and divorces are continuously increasing. She also states that monogamy can be boring for some and believes it may partially be the cause of so many unsuccessful marriages.
The media has a huge impact on relationships. Marriage is everywhere on television with programs ranging from "Joe Millionaire" to "Newlyweds." Shows like "The Batchelor" depict finding your soul mate as a competition. In MTV's "Newlyweds", starring Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, publicize the lives of a couple in their first year of marriage. It makes marriage seem more like entertainment rather than an intimate dedication to one another.
The Wife of Bath's holds her authority on the subject of marriages through her: "Experience, though noon auctoritee Were in this world, is right ynough for [her] To speke of wo that is in mariage: -(The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale, 1-3). ...
The first public sign that Prince Charles and Princess Diana mariage was unraveling was at a polo game. ... (Diana 57) Although the mariage was crumbling Diana never stoped fighting to save it. ... (Diana 58) In the early stages of her mariage Diana seemed happy. ...
The first public sign that Prince Charles and Princess Diana mariage was unraveling was at a polo game. ... (Diana 57) Although the mariage was crumbling Diana never stoped fighting to save it. ... (Diana 58) In the early stages of her mariage Diana seemed happy. ...
Of course, the most important kind of love for the Wife of Bath's is sexual, but there is also the noble love called pity; the love, warring or peaceful, between husband and wife of which she speaks out of experience "Experience, though noon auctoritee Were in this world, is right ynogh for me To speke of wo that is in mariage; " (lines 1-3 The Wife of Bath's); and the love that Christ has for humanity. ...
Dans l'essai suivant, je résumerai l'histoire et caractérisai les personnages principaux de l'Å"uvre Huis Clos de Jean-Paul Sartre. J'ai choisi Huis Clos, parce que j'aime la philosophie existentialiste et l'écrivain en général. Joseph Garcin : Garcin est le premier des protagonistes qui a...
Love and Marriage At the end of the story The Duke marries Viola and Sebastian marries Olivia. After all of the mistaken identity that arises in the play the people who truly love each other are together at last at the end of the play. In the beginning of the play the Duke was in love with Olivia; Olivia was in love with Cesario; and Cesario is actually a woman named Viola who is in love with the Duke. This love puzzle finally comes together at the end of the play. I think that the Duke and Viola are meant for each other. ...
A Look at Gay Marriage in the United States The American government, founded on the ideals of men wishing to escape persecution and tyranny, is a secular institution shaped by the Constitution and it's Amendments. Over the two hundred plus years that America has been a country many infractions, oversights and misinterpretations have occurred which have unfairly inhibited the freedom of the American people. This truth can be seen in the continued refusal by the government as a whole to accept, legalize or recognize same sex marriages, which has led to unrest and dissention among the homos...