In The Warrior's Honor, Michael Ignatieff takes us into situations of war and disaster. In the five essays, he explores the approach of Western nations that embark on intervention, aid, and assistance to those in other nations who are in trouble or those we think will likely be in trouble unless we lend a hand in putting things right. He questions why we feel that we must do something for strangers far beyond our own families, friendships, and even our nation. We, the citizens of the settled west are everywhere, as "aid workers, reporters, lawyers for war crimes tribunals, human rights observers- and so on and so forth. The problems of other people concern us, so we get involved. The first discovery we make then, is that human rights have little or no concern in war, so Ignatieff finds it far better to refer to these fighters as warriors than as human beings, warriors have codes of honor, human beings have none.
Ignatieff attributes the growth of western principles about the violence committed in cultural wars to their shocking televised portrayals. This has made it difficult "to sustain indifference or ignorance, "because these images of human suffering pierce the mind and bring up moral issues. We feel good about feeling bad for others. As we are confronted with a "pure victim," we may fall into a harmful combination of pity and contempt as we prefer our victims to be innocent. Little do we realize that these victims are likely to be the victimizers as well. Because of the format of news programs, we have been allowed to submit to what Ignatieff calls the "Seductiveness of Moral Disgust." As viewers face a nightly stream of ghastly images, each victim becomes anonymous and innocent, and historical context for the battles are removed. The author calls for a change in journalistic practices and a more universal "revolution of moral values.".
Ethnic nationalism is a form of narcissism, a self-love that encourages intolerance of others.
The 13th Warrior Vs. ... The warriors of "The 13th Warrior" and Beowulf, clearly, had incongruous reasons for fighting the bear men. ... Beowulf was supercilious unlike the men in "The 13th Warrior." ... There are a few scenes in "The 13th Warrior" that are comparable to scenes in Beowulf. ... The Anglo-Saxon code relates to many characters in Beowulf and "The 13th Warrior." ...
An example of a nonprofit organization would be hope for the warriors. ... Hope for the warriors were founded by a group of military wives in 2006. ... America is not helping these wounded warriors the way that they deserve to be helped. ... In conclusion America has turned its back on the wounded warriors. Many people say that the government is trying really hard to help the wounded warriors. ...
Their caste was the nobles and royal family, then Samurai warriors, then artisians and lastly the merchants. The two largest groups of the population are the warriors and the farmers. ... The farmers can"t go and fight in battles, just like the warriors can"t come back from the battles and buy some land and start farming. ... The farmers give a certain amount of their crops to the government which goes to the warriors and everyone else. Just like the warriors go to war and fight for the farmers who are producing crops for when the warriors come back. ...
Throughout the poem Beowulf you can see that Beowulf was a highly respected warrior. ... To them, men who were fantastic warriors were considered to be heroes. ... In Beowulf, Beowulf is depicted as a warrior. ... In The Dream of the Rood Jesus can be viewed as and is even referred to as a warrior. ... Courage is a trait that no warrior can be without it. ...
Among those, were 5,000 female warriors who ranked higher than their male counterparts. ... These warriors were divided into companies and brigades and trained thoroughly. ... The warriors were taught from birth to despise death. ... Dahomeyan warriors won the first battles of this war. ... During a storm 7000 warriors and 200 female warriors attacked the French. ...
Both Achilles and Roland are great warriors but Achilles is more compassionate than Roland is. Roland and Achilles are fierce warriors. ... Achilles was the one person who killed the Trojan's greatest and bravest warrior, Hector. ... Roland also carries Durendal; only a great warrior may carry this sacred sword. ... (Song of Roland 173. 154-155) Both Achilles and Roland demonstrate their great skill in being warriors. ...
(Line 23) In this sentence is described the feasts that happened on the mead hall when the warriors didn't fight... (Line 41) In this phrase is described the relationship between the king and his warriors. ... (Line 44) In this sentence is showed that the warriors sang and played in feasts when didn't fight. 3) What different seasons of the year are described? ... The poem is very interesting because it describes the life of the Anglo-Saxons, the Anglo-Saxons habits as the feasts on the king hall where the warriors sang and played stories of the great feats of...
Secondly, courage encompasses the warriors who protect the state from enemies, but are friendly to their allies. ... The second, spirit, embraces the warriors who aim for victory and honor. ... For example, guardians control the society, warriors support the rulers, and the artisans produce goods. ... Likewise, the state, must be ruled by guardians, protected by warriors and upheld by artisans. ... To maintain justice a state must include various virtues of individual classes, knowledgeable rulers and courageous warriors, and the individuals of the entire state must maintain moderation thu...
Ross Art 1113 11 Sept. 2003 Warriors of Clay Countless foot-tall terra cotta (clay) soldiers, horses, and chariots were revealed in four burial pits at a Han Dynasty tomb complex about three hundred miles south of Beijing. ... The dimensions of the numerous "warrior pits" being found indicate that this tomb complex is that of a Han noblemen or relative of a Han ruler. Although, the Han Dynasty had strict and specific funeral customs that stated that only generals could be buried with the warriors and horses, leading professionals to think that the clay figures are a kind of honor guard....