This was one major idea which I have stepped back and analyzed, and come to conclude that is one of the most important factor for an entering Public Relations practitioner could know. .
The next source that I found was focused on China's Public Relations strategy on Tibet. This page was very interesting, is was what the Chinese seemed to be calling Public Relation, but seemed a little bit more like propaganda. helped me to do a little bit more information of the topic, the Chinese were obviously putting a spin of the current truth in order to conceal the truth. This page was great evidence that that in the field of Public Relations that if you are lying, you will not be seen a credible at all with any of the industry. .
What the Chinese had been engaging in is a weak form of Public Relations, which is unacceptable and should not be tolerated by any party, in any means. Putting all political affiliations aside, the Chinese communist party needs to have somebody of other government to challenge them to improve on their practices, because it is only making them less credible in the eyes of the world. This leads me to conclude, what about all of the other Chinese state affairs, like Taiwan, have any questions. From there they just need to realize that their relationship with their people is not an on way street, and the people deserve to be informed and know the truth. .
The next site that I was able to find was, which is a company that specializes in relationship building relationships between corporate companies and their customers. I found this article especially interesting because they are a small company making a big impact through the development of relationships. They start by taking the executives of a company and sending them to relationship building program that focus on communication between two parties. Thus helping both parties to realize all of the basic foundations of communication and relationship management.