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"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free States, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." (T&C 242) This is used in arguments for gun control by insisting we are not a well regulated militia when we really are. The United States crime rate should be admired for their ability to keep it the way it is with a population of "257,783, 004" (T&C 245) and such enormous diversity. Therefore, this countries crime is low compared to the intimidating amount of diversity and controversy in this country. The U.S. is a crime provoking environment. There are a lot of different religions and phenotypes, too many drugs and segregation just miles away from each other. We have a lot of poor and rich people mixing together and a country that racist and isn't happy to have new cultures. There has also been a lot of wars, slavery and immigration which affects the was people live the rest of there life and their decedents. We have the most violent movies, music, news and video games. The technology boom has also encouraged social change very much. And I acknowledge that other countries also have these problems also but they sure don't all coordinate together the way they do here. We have all of them in the U.S. and even individually they are stronger than in other countries. .
             Owning a firearm has become custom used to provide a psychological feeling of safety from any harm to any part of American culture. Even if most gun owners will never have to use their firearm but owning one helps them sleep better at night, they should be allowed to feel comfortable where they live especially if you live in a neighbor hood with a high crime rate. A home is a place used for security and we should be allowed to keep rights that will help keep homes that way. It's only fair to acknowledge a lot of the accidental shootings in homes, but my explanation for this is carelessness from the gun owners.

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