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Alfred Hitchcock: The Life

             forever after he had a fear of the police (Spoto 16). Fear was also a big.
             part of his childhood, which later was evident in many of his movies. .
             "Fear? It has influenced my life and my career." (18) explains Hitchcock,.
             he also had a fear of being alone and of darkness which once again.
             appeared in many of his movies. ".fear you see is an emotion that .
             people like to feel when they know they are safe." (39). Hitchcock led a.
             life of fantasy, and spent much of his time alone, entertaining himself.
             because he did not have many friends growing up. He lived life as if he.
             was on the outside looking in. Much like a person watching television or.
             a director directing a picture. Reading was also a part of Hitchcock's.
             life from a young age. The novels Bleak House and Robinson Crusoe were.
             two that stuck with him over the years. He also really enjoyed Edgar.
             Allan Poe, stating that "Very likely it's because I was so taken by the.
             Poe stories that I later made suspense films." (39). In 1915 he started.
             work for the Henley Telegraphy Company. He soon began to study art at the.
             University of London, which led to being promoted to Henley's advertising.
             department to design cable ads. But Hitchcock's true love was the movies.
             He hunted all over the famous Wardour Street trying to obtain a position.
             in film-making. In 1920 a co-worker at Henley's helped him put together a.
             portfolio and he was hired instantly by The Famous Players-Lasky as a.
             title designer for silent films. For two years Hitchcock wrote and.
             designed for popular British movie directors. The hard working Hitchcock.
             was recognized by his employers as well as leading actors of the day. In.
             1922 the director of Always Tell Your Wife, a film in progress, got very.
             sick and had to leave the movie. The lead actor Seymore Hicks had to take.
             over the duties of direction, but was stumped on ideas. The young.
             Hitchcock assisted him with the rest of production, and a legacy had been.

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