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goodrich casttle

             The computer system at the national springs company have problems such as-.
             The customer details are stored into the computers.
             The information that is on the computer is not intergrated.
             Customer details not included in computer files cause many problems because customer details, files and document that stored in folder have a large risk of getting lost , mis-placed or mixed up with other data. Mistakes such as this could leave serious consequnces for the national springs company such as loosing or disappointing customers. The national springs company are responsible for keeping the security of customer details safe and secure through the customers trust. However installing computer systems to control customer's details etc, can also cause dis advantages such as .
             system failure which may cause the whole computer syste.
             to fail or crash down.
             A virus passed through contact with other hardware .Viruses can also be passed down through the internet which in both cases will affect the whole computer system because of the connection. Viruses could make a very big impact for the national spring company as data such as customer details lost or illegally accessed.
             However inputing customer details onto the computer include advantages such as.
             Data and details can be accessed quickly and efficiently which will not only benefit the national springs company this method will also benefit customers when registering, ordering or inquiring.
             Intergrating the computer systems will mean that material and product data will be linked into each other which ensures that documents, notices etc, can be passed on quickly and efficiently to employers-or employees.
             I am going to create a customer data base and product data base linked to the materials data because this will ensure that data is easier to access such as stock and re-order levels.
             This will save time and should work more efficiently if set up properly.

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