[ Leach : 1976,35-36] . In the process of categorizing things we try to create artificial boundaries. All the boundaries try to bring a disturbance to what is "naturally continuous". These artificial interruptions tend to create an area of ambiguity. This ambiguous area, which is created by these boundaries is the core of all the violence. .
This notion of violence prevails highly in the society. Every individual or a group in the society wants to been recognized, identified. In most of the cases this is done by shear use of power. Our society gets hierarchally structured that way. As Kleinman (2000:227) has said hierarchy and inequality normalize violence. Boundaries and structure create the difference between self and other. Violence as a concept is a cultural system of meaning, a communicative process about otherness .[Pandya :2000, 4]. Acts of violence are related to categories. The way it exists in society is very natural. If there has to be some discipline in the society, there has to be a structure where someone is given more power than someone else and so the violence automatically creeps in.
One of the foremost thing about violence existing in the society is that it is hardly recognized by those who do it. Violence is known to be an exchange of mutually reflexive ideas so it is hardly one sided. So it happens that in violence either nobody recognizes the violence or at most only one side recognizes it at a time. Different people have different notions of violence. As Pandya says in "critique of anthropology" .
"People distinguish between different form of violence, and conceptualize violence as an act committed upon them by very different other . Violence is not just a experience of self, but is conceptualized as an act committed upon self by somebody else." .
This failure to recognize the violence in the societies give way to further violence because when a group does some act on a different group which in their views are justified so they tend to more of this justification.