Which led to Apollo 11, the first lunar landing mission. Apparently the spacecraft Columbia (CSM) and Eagle (LM) launched July 16, 1969 and landed July 20,1969. Videos and photographs were taken of the alleged mission and showed to an estimated 600 million people worldwide. Thirty years later, (the anniversary of the first lunar landing) the Nova did a documentary titled Apollo 11 Conspiracy? In 1999, that put questions in many minds whether or not we even landed on the moon. Due to many things like the lighting, (multiple light sources, but only one sun), was the flag waving in an atmosphere with no gravity, dotted lines on the camera lens (appear behind the object being photographed), and did America even have the technology to land on the moon in 1969? Was the moon landing just a Hollywood video? Our suspicion grows!.
The United States gets involved in the Vietnam War because American policymakers believed that if the entire country fell under a Communist government, Communism would spread throughout Southeast Asia, known as the "domino theory". Our involvement in the country of Vietnam was started in the early 1950's. We supplied financial assistance to South Vietnam and created the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN). Which later forced our military to become physically involved years later. American Society was not told of our early connection until years later. We were told when it was already evident we were involved, because our troops were dying. They continued to us, that the military death count and our U.S. involvement was minimal in the war until it was too late. Slightly more than 30,000 young Americans were killed in the war when Nixon took office in 1969. In July 1969 he issued the Nixon Doctrine,which stated U.S. troops would no longer be directly involved in Asian wars. He ordered the withdrawal of 25,000 troops and he lowered the draft calls. Instead Nixon and U.