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The Romantic Hero vs. The Epic Hero (Sir Gawain vs. Beowulf)

Heroes also seem to always fight for some type of common good. In the cases of these two heroes, they are fighting as an act of loyalty to their kings. Just as Beowulf fights with "pride in defending his king" Sir Gawain also fights with his "faith pledged by his word and owed to a lord".
             Society and social class play a large role in the life of a hero. The hero's personality is usually derived from the surroundings to which he or she grew up. Those elements that exist outside of the social sphere are seen as crude and savage. The most explicit example of this is seen in Beowulf. Grendel is seen as one who exists outside of Germanic society because he would never make peace with any Dane, nor stop his death-dealing, nor pay the death-price. Because Grendel does not follow the custom of paying a death-price when one is killed, he is viewed as being anti-social and thus, an outcast from society. It is also important to note that Grendel is a descendent of Cain, who was also banished from society for killing his brother. The Germanic society represents the same perfection as the Garden of Eden and once one is banished from that society, they are banished from all well aspects of life. The Green Knight also seems to exist outside of the normal realms of society. Just as Grendel does not abide by the social custom of paying a death price, the Green Knight shows great disrespect towards Arthur and the court when "Not a greeting he gave as the guests he o"erlooked". This complete abandonment of the chivalric code of honor to a lord is viewed as being savage and thus he is not considered to be a member of civilized society. His physical appearance also illustrates the view that Sir Gawain has of those outside of his society. They are green and monsterous-like. While these two heroes fight in order to maintain normalcy within their societies, the political and social aspects that lie behind their motivation to fight are quite different.

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