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Second hand smoke

Other studies have shown that indoor environmental tobacco smoke changes the tobacco substance in the gas phase. As tobacco smoke is discharged into an indoor environment, diluted, re-circulated within and vented from the indoor environment, changes occur in both its chemical makeup phases making the gas phase substance more harmful than being in a outdoor environment.
             Tobacco products produce two kinds of smoke, mainstream and side stream. Mainstream smoke is the smoke that smokers inhale into their lungs. Side stream smoke is the smoke that is exhaled by the smoker. The average smoker inhales ten two-second puffs of mainstream smoke from the tobacco product they are smoking. As the cigarette, pipe, or cigar sits it releases waves of side stream smoke into the air. According to some scientists, side stream smoke is even more dangerous than mainstream smoke. In a recent article produced by the Iowa Medical Society it states that side stream smoke contains five times the carbon monoxide, three times the tar and nicotine, and up to fifty times the number of carcinogens found in mainstream smoke. A study reported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences confirms that second-hand smoke contains up to fifty times more carcinogens. Carcinogens are described in the Webster's dictionary as being a substance that produces a malignant tumor, or cancer in a living cell. In today's society people are aware that tobacco smoke is unhealthy, but most choose not to become concerned with what this chemical does to their bodies. With the amount of smokers in today's society, Environmental Tobacco Smoke has diluted the air with thousands of chemicals that causes severe damage to both our inner and exterior body components. Doctor Ameron of Atlanta Georgia writes that six out of ten non-smokers will end up with reduced lung functioning and or upper or lower respiratory problems. According to Ameron, secondhand smoke is even more dangerous than mainstream smoke.

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