The Three Laws of Robotics are: .
1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. .
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. .
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
There are several characters key to the Robots of Dawn novel. .
Elijah Baley - Plains clothes Investigator from Earth.
Dr. Fastloe - Creator of the humaniform robots. He is considered the foremost expert on robotics on Aurora. .
R. Daneel - Daneel and his twin (the murdered Jander) are both humaniform robots, which resemble humans in all ways. Jander can even perform the sexual functions of a human male.
R. Giskard - Giskard, a robot, which despite not being humaniform, is at least as sophisticated in intelligence as Daneel. It can read and manipulate human minds.
Kelden Amadiro - leader of the anti-Fastloe group.
Gladia Demarre - Gladia Demarre, the wife of a murdered roboticist and Baley's lover, had used Jander for his sexual functions and even looked at him as a lover and husband. The end result of a relationship with a humaniform and obedient robot is that it becomes the perfect mate.
Metaphysics is the fundamental principles of the nature of things. One of the philosophers who wrote on metaphysical theories was Thomas Hobbes. Hobbes" philosophy on this subject in known as Materialism and this theory says that physical objects in space are all there is, even the mind. He tried to describe the universe as consisting of numerous constantly moving atoms. These moving atoms create thought and movement in humans and determined will or desire. The other two ideas of metaphysics are idealism and dualism. Dualism states that the mind is made of one substance and the body another. Dualists believe the mind and body work independent of one another.