84 percent had gone on to kill themselves (Euthanasia.com). These people make this decision for whatever reason. Whether it be pain, depression, or to not be a burden to their families. Their decision was made and 90% of the time the patient will lead a happy life and be glad that they did not kill themselves earlier in their lives. If you have ever been in such pain, or extreme depression that these people have been in then the most common answer would be that death would be an easier way out than going through what they are going through. Of those who attempt suicide but are stopped, less than 4 percent go on to kill themselves in the next five years; less than 11 percent will commit suicide over the next 35 years (Euthanasia.com). On January 13th a California girl slipped into a coma after giving birth. This girl had a brain tumor and had half of her brain removed. A year after she had fallen into a coma woke up and turned her head when her mother knocked on the hospital door. This proves that anyone can wake up from a coma at anytime and that a family member could control whether they die or live while in this coma which is extremely unfair and unjust. If family members would just allow time they might find that the idea of death was a wrong and premature decision.
Depression is extremely influential when a person decides that voluntary suicide is going to be the way for them to go. Symptoms of depression include sad mood, loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed, change in appetite or weight, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, physical slowing or agitation, energy loss, feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt, difficulty thinking or concentrating, and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. Terminally Ill patients who desire death are depressed and depression is treatable in those with terminal illness. In one study, of the 24 percent of terminally ill patients who desired death, all had clinical depression (Euthanasia.