The second is Ignoring, where parents don't meet the needs of the child, they show no interest toward the child, and again fail to nurture and show affection. The third type is called Terrorizing, where parents tend to single out the child by criticizing and punishing him or her, having expectations for the child beyond his or her abilities, and the parent may even threaten the child with death, mutilation and or abandonment. The forth is Isolating, where parents don't allow the child to engage in any appropriate activities with his or her peers, they require their child to stay in a room at all times (locked away from the world), and may restrict eating to isolation or seclusion. The final form of emotional abuse is Corrupting, where parents permit alcohol and drug use, watch cruel behavior towards animals, watch pornographic materials and adult acts, and or witness or participate in criminal activities. (Source number three) After reading most of this remember to keep in mind that .
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the perpetrators do not have to be just parents, it could be anyone that the child, adolescent, or adult has a relationship with.
Researchers have developed a cycle that consists of four phases; this cycle usually occurs in every abuse situation. Phase one is called Tension Building, where tension increases, there is a breakdown of communication, and the victim feels the need to please or placate the abuser. Phase two is called The Incident, where verbal and emotional abuse occurs with a result of anger, blaming, arguing and threats. Phase three is called Reconciliation where the abuser apologizes, gives excuses, and also blames the victim for abuse, denies the abuse ever occurred, and or says it wasn't as bad as the victim claims. The final phase is phase four called Calm, where the incident is "forgotten" and the idea that no abuse is or has taken place. (source number six).
Some possible indicators of emotional abuse and neglect in children, adolescents and adults are depression, withdrawal, low self-esteem, severe anxiety and fearfulness.