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Military Troops

Anyone who has been through boot camp knows such feelings because of everything they go through for three months. When you"re away for such a long duration you realize how much you miss your loved ones. What makes this worse is that there really aren't any breaks for all those troops to express their feelings to one another. The military is also very strict on socializing with the enemy or civilians from the opposing country due to high confidentiality. It's hard to keep a good poise of yourself when you have civilians harassing you verbally and using obscene gestures. .
             An awesome way to send someone to the point of no return would be sending them to Iraq. That's like giving them a personal invitation saying "here's hell, hope you enjoy it!" which seems to work excellent since the military gets overenthusiastic over these type of places. Iraq is like a big sand box that children play in the parks but with temperatures that soar as high as 130s and possibly higher. It's hard to acclimatize to such weather conditions when most of these soldiers have never been introduced to such a horrendous place, except when they first join the military, and expect them to wear chemical warfare uniforms over their utility uniforms every single hour of every day. That really gives me a kick in the stomach when they expect these men and women to walk and run about with all this gear including their rifle. All these climate changes do affect the majority of these soldiers because they've probably never experienced dry heat with desert storms and then to top it off the temperature drops at night time. Those types of conditions are horrendous and the military should take into consideration all the equipment these soldiers have to wear and carry to survive in an everyday warfare. The military knows about these problems but ignore them to an extent since they"re the government and whatever comes out of their magical mouth is the final word.

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