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Military Troops

            Since January there have been various debates about Iraq and why it should be conquered by our troops to maintain peace. Once President Bush made his decision to go in without the help of the U.N. it meant that more of our U.S. military troops were going to have to be deployed. Most of these troops that were being sent out to Iraq were mostly new faces that barely graduated from boot camp and have had no experience in the fleet whatsoever. These men and women had no choice on whether they wanted to go because they volunteered to join such an elite force known nationally to many people. At the same time, these troops have to endure the worst conditions possible to complete a mission and live another day, while at times food, water, and other supplies would be scarce. The government and military should implement better conditions for the welfare of their troops so that they can perform to the best of their ability. .
             A still debated issue throughout the U.S.: Why were our troops sent out to Iraq? Most of this had to do with politics because our government was afraid of a mass nuclear destruction which never took place. At no time were the troops under any type of "chemical warfare" as predicted there might have been. Both our government and President Bush thought it would be a wonderful idea to rescue the Iraqi residents from a tyrannical communist like Saddam Hussein just so they can favor us later on. There is no way that a third world country like Iraq would ever favor the U.S. on anything because they have been deprived of so many things for so many years that they can't think out of their communist box that they live in. President Bush felt security was one of the main keys to show the Iraqi people that our troops are there to help them in any way possible. These troops risk so much helping them despite their personal safety. .
             The worst experience a person can have is being depressed. Most of these soldiers experience this disease due to an elongated stay and few friendly paraphernalia.

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