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The Enron Corporation

Much of the credit of Enron's success was given to top executive, Jeffrey Skilling. Skilling was described by ex-employees of being somewhat of a money hungry leader with no regard for anyone, but profit for the company and himself. Employees said Jeffrey imposed a "growth -at-any-cost culture" (pg. 1 The pride and fall of Enron) on the company. Apparently Skilling started to seclude himself from all other executives and started to override all powers. In past interviews with Skilling's employees only one idea seemed to come out from all the employees. Executives were taught to take an aggressive attitude towards the market. Jeffrey knew that he wanted the company to be on top, so he wanted his executives to think of big ideas that could expand the company and create new markets where they could be leaders. He did not care where or how profit came as long it did. Enron's competitiveness even showed in the process of hiring a new employee. Enron gained the reputation of not hiring "softies" (pg.4 The pride and fall of Enron). Skilling wanted any new employee coming in to come in with the same aggressive mindset executives imposed. They wanted employees that were not afraid to bend the rules a little all in the idea of progress at any cost. Prove that Enron's executive mismanagement was coming happened in 1987 in one of the company's office in Valhalla, New York. It was discovered in this office in New York that employees were falsifying transactions to increase their own bonus. Instead of firing these workers Chief Chairman Ken Lay decided to quiet the situation and keep the employees to avoid a big scandal. The employees were in charge of the company's trade and six months after the first incident the same employees created bigger errors in transactions, which may have caused trading competition to grow suspicious. According to Enron executives if trading partners that had no clue of foul play by Enron would have found out they would have ask to be recompensed with money.

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