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A Good Man In Africa

            The story of Morgan Leafy is the story of being continuously exploited.
             As a non-native English speaker I could laugh about an overweight, oversexed representative of Britain in Africa (yes, in the few moments I understood the subtle jokes and satirical situations).
             The book is certainly not the worst I've ever read. It can be funny indeed: Right after you wipe off your bored sweat-drops of annoyance, forget Morgan Leafy's genitals for a moment and force yourself to read on through the dull and unfair life of an uninteresting idiot.
             Well, not really uninteresting. In a way it is interesting to see how Morgan Leafy works as pathetically hard as a donkey for his boss but fails to grasp opportunities, e.g. Morgan complies with his aggressor when Adekunle threatens him to reveal his sexual life and exploits him without leaving the least proof for anything (but, well, this is the point where at least something unpredictable happens), or when he complies with his black girlfriend Hazel's explanation that her brother just drank all the beer in her appartment (which Morgan pays for) - did Hazel have a brother actually? Poor Morgan, he can't be a true colonialist: even his black subject exploits him. Or whenever Morgan does any dirty work entailed by his boss Fanshawe, whenever he bears the consequenses even if it wasn't his fault, whenever he treats and considers the black natives as subhuman beings, but, at the same time, muses about how unfair the whole system of hypocrites is: there he shows his egocentric conceit. And it is interesting to see on the one hand how boring and dull Morgan's life must be that he only thinks about breasts and beer all the time, and on the other hand how Morgan, who sometimes bursts with racist ideas, is displayed in such a stereotype light that the characterization itself becomes racist.
             I'd personally only recommend the book to someone who is either interested in British colonial history or bored to hell or needs an anti-hero to look down to.

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