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The collector by john fowles

             Clegg seems to suffer from several different disorders. He could be diagnosed as a sufferer of schizophrenic and/or bipolar disorder. However, Tyrer suggests the "problem with [ ] personality and bipolar disorder [ ]. Clinically, it is not uncommon to misdiagnose one for the other". Since Clegg isn't disabled by these disorders, this would lead one to believe that a personality disorder would better diagnose his behavior. That being said, personality disorders are "long-standing, inflexible ways of behaving that are not so much severe mental disorders as dysfunctional styles of living". This disorder is grouped into three groups, that is, three groups that share certain features. Those groups are the odd-eccentric cluster, the anxious-fearful cluster, and the dramatic-erratic cluster. Clegg actually fits into each one of these clusters slightly, but his overall behavior could most closely be explained by the odd-eccentric cluster which is defined by the following behaviors: paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal. Each one closely relates to Clegg's behavior and thought processes.
             The paranoid type is defined as a "suspiciousness and distrust of others, all of whom are assumed to be hostile". This we can relate to Clegg's distrust of women and actually refers to woman is if they were butterflies. The only positive reference is when he speaks of Miranda saying, "Seeing her always made me feel like I was catching a rarity [ ] I always thought of her like that [ ] elusive and sporadic, and very refined". He continues to compare her to other woman stating, "not like the other ones, even the pretty ones". He further reveals his thoughts on women stating he hates women only "when they don't behave in their own way". These are clear examples that Clegg has trust issues with woman. Perhaps those issues came from thoughts of his mother and the knowledge, or lack there of, he had of her.

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