During this duration we experienced many activities that librarians must do in their daily work. We trained in everything from shelving books to organizing periodicals to receiving new shipments and putting on new barcodes. It was an experience that allowed for us to not only use English (which was our main goal) but also to learn about an area we had no idea about. .
There is a lot of work involved in working in a library. Being a librarian requires knowledge in computers, English, and business. When an item is received into a library it goes through many stages until it is available for public use. "Librarians" objective is to provide end users with services that satisfy their needs in the appropriate time and proper way." (Battles, 44) In order to be able to complete this objective there are many things that must be done by the librarian. When new material such as a book is received, it must be prepared to use. This is done by classifying, analyzing the subject, and making work sheets for it to add to the database of the library. It is recorded into the library database and is given a serial number and label as proof of ownership of the library. Once it is classified, it is put on the book and put on the shelf for use. When it is ready to be used it's up to the service provider. They must be specific in the users" needs and where answers to questions can be found. It can be found by service providers through such ways as the database, references, Internet, books, journals, and so on. Once it is found, the service provider directs the user or trains them how to get what information they need. They also help provide the user with the most suitable way to use it, either through email, mail, phone call, photocopying, or borrowing the book. .
To anyone reading the above paragraph it would be difficult to understand all the terms used. In working in a library there are many terms an individual has to learn in order to understand how things work in this area.