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Analasys of an article

             Terrorism has always existed in the world. Many people have been killed in holy wars. The Taliban and Al-Qaeda terrorist organisation have done many disastrous things to innocent people. The UN has been consistently dealing with this issue.
             On September 11, Al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden steered 2 planes into the Twin Towers located in New York in the U.S.A. From this point onwards, the word "terrorism" put fear into the hearts of many and Osama Bin Laden became world renowned. .
             The media suddenly put biased pictures out on television, radios and newspapers. The end result was to position the reader on what to think about this complex issue of terrorism.
             ARTICLE ONE.
             The article "Now for Osama" contributes to the fear of .
             terrorism. It states that even though Saddam Hussein was captured, Osama Bin Laden is still a fugitive and if not caught, terrorism will never end. Osama's ability to remain free and to defy US power is a huge.
             inspiration to other similar organisations to retaliate against the western world.
             The US is trying extremely hard to capture Osama Bin Laden .The US Intelligence Agencies have said that "Saddam was always known to be hiding in a relatively small area of the country". This is why Saddam was found reasonably quickly. However, this is not the case with Osama Bin Laden. US Intelligence Officers do not know with and certainty where Bin Laden could be. The dominant discourse is that of the effects of terrorism.
             ARTICLE TWO.
             The second article "Nine Children Killed in air strike on Taliban suspect" reports the issue of terrorism showing what the US has done to innocent Iraqi people. The US has killed scores of innocent civilians since the start of the war in October 2001. .
             The headline is extremely aggressive towards the US as is the majority of the article. The dominant discourse in this article is the killing of Iraqi citizens by the U.S. .
             These two articles create a binary opposition through the contrast of the terrorists and the US.

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