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HIV: History, Detection, And Methods of Treatment

             of sexual activity responsible for its transmission have not been completely.
             documented (Zinner m.D. 117). For the first time in a decade the number of deaths.
             attributable to AIDS is decreasing (Dudley 60). AIDS deaths declined 19 percent in.
             the first nine months of 1996 compared to the same period in 1995 (Dudley 60).
             Three aspects of AIDS are some methods of the contact, some of the symptoms, and.
             the treatments.
             On June 1981, patients that lived in Los Angeles or New York City were.
             either homosexual active men and/or intravenous drug abusers. Detailed medical.
             and laboratory studies indicated that these patients had acquired a defect in their.
             cellular immune system. The human immune system in patients with AIDS was once.
             thought normal (Zinner 116). Scientists identified the means by which HIV was.
             transmitted in the early days of the epidemic, well before the virus itself was .
             discovered. No new modes of transmission have been discovered since. Through.
             sexual contact, either homosexual or heterosexual. Heterosexual contact is the .
             leading means of HIV transmission worldwide and the fastest growing mode of HIV.
             transmission in the nation. Through contact with blood or other body fluids, blood.
             products, or tissues of an infected person. This usually occurs by inoculation of HIV.
             through needle sharing among users of illicit drugs; much more rarely, by accidental.
             needle stick or splashes of blood on mucous membranes; and extremely rarely,.
             through sustained contact of infected blood with breaks in the skin. Through.
             transfer of the virus from an infected mother to her infant before or during birth, or.
             shortly after birth through breast-feeding. This mother-to-infant transfer is also.
             known as "Perintal Transmission". Perinatal transmission is in rapid decline in the.
             United States(Ward 35). Transfer of a virus from mother to infant is also known as.
             "vertical transmission", which refers to transfer of the virus from one generation to.

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