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GTAIII: Do you have it in you?

Thirteen year old Lawrence Jones said it best "It is as close as you can get to killing someone without being arrested or really killing someone" (Norris 1). This is the kind of thinking is what we as Americans need to stop at the butt. .
             After playing the game for only a short time, I was shocked at what video games are allowed to portray now. The more missions that you accept from your boss, and in essence, the more people that you kill, the higher you climb on the ladder. You gain respect after successfully completing each mission. The game portrays success as a negative though. The last thing that we need is kids thinking that a successful life is based on how many people you kill. Glorifying violence causes kids to think that they will be a symbol or an icon if they commit violent acts. Teenagers see the reaction that games like Grand Theft Auto III receives from other teens, and they want to be a part of it. They go out and recreate scenes hoping for the media attention that these video games attract. .
             The fact that the character in the game doesn't suffer any consequences for his actions is a big problem for kids. In our society if you commit crimes there are consequences and repercussions for these actions, whether it be jail time, community service, or depending on the severity of the offense, death. This game allows people to go out and pretend to do things that are not allowed in our society. Children that don't know what's wrong and what's right may be more apt to try these acts themselves. Grand Theft Auto III is "touted as the most sophisticated, most realistic video game out there (Sievers)". This game does not portray any kind of reality, and hopefully gamers that play the game understand this and do not react to it in a negative manner. .
             The character you play in the game commits numerous acts that would normally require some form of punishment, but will he ever see any of these? That is highly doubtful.

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