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Democracy is a Luxury !!!

            Have you ever noticed a group of politicians or bureaucrats discussing.
             various issues, especially on television? It all begins calm but inevitably.
             ends up in an atmosphere of forced smiles and even mutual ridicule! Nothing.
             positive ever comes out of these predictable exercises except perhaps more.
             cynicism and hatred.
             The simple idea of working together to solve common problems never seem to.
             occur. Instead it is always one against the other . Many for some bizarre.
             reason , tend to view fellow citizens as born liars and cheats with all.
             kinds of wrong motives . With this negative approach , one elicits a.
             matching response from the other, automatically reinforcing mutual distrust.
             Then the mudslinging diplomacy takes over , confirming the end of fruitful.
             discussion, leading to common loss and exchange of blames for the past goof.
             As a public servant , one should be particularly concerned about the.
             problems faced by the citizens and seek its legitimate solutions , after.
             taking a solemn oath to that effect . Unfortunately this is perceived as the.
             opposite- a license to loot and plunder the nation , in unity with other.
             "servants" against a hapless and broken to bits majority. To prevent the.
             bits from ever coming together, these "servants" have "allowed" the media to.
             use every tool in their bag to feed these bits with calculated doses of.
             hatred , well packed to deceive .
             They have succeeded in making an individual feel weak enough not to react to.
             most violations , "what can I do alone?" is the best reaction one can.
             squeeze out from an ordinary citizen , finding comfort in accepting.
             everything as "normal". So roads are bad , power supply is inconsistent,.
             water supply is bad , taxes justified only by adding the astronomical sums.
             as cost of governance etc.
             And yet its all normal ! If one dares to differ, then the tried and tested.
             tool "You are the only one with a complaint?" is used, implying that you are.
             a trouble-maker .

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