The IRA does not use democracy instead the have a military council that is their government. The members who do not abide by the rules are shot. The IRA does not show any respect for human rights There have been many bomb attacks and threats in London. Which is just one of the many different signs of their non-tolerance and respect. For example, after the death of the .
21-year-old member, Edward O'Brein, in the premature bomb explosion, there was a time when it seemed as if the IRA had cooled down. After a few weeks on April 26th 1996 the IRA had planted a semtex bomb under Hammersmith Bridge which weighed 13.6 kg which is the biggest ever planted in London. Fortunately the bomb never got the chance to explode due to a fault in the detonator. .
They plant bombs how they like and shoot people as soon they don't follow orders. Bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, punishment beatings, extortion, and robberies. Targets have included senior British Government officials, British military and police in Northern Ireland, and Northern Irish Loyalist paramilitary groups. Bombing campaigns have been conducted against train and subway stations and shopping areas on mainland Britain, as well as against British and Royal Ulster Constabulary targets in Northern Ireland and a British military facility on the European Continent. The IRA has been observing a cease-fire since July 1997 and previously observed a cease-fire from 1st September 1994 to February 1996. That is terrible since a human should have the right to live. They act like children not getting their way. They want attention, and want to be heard so they use terror to get to the point. That is what IRA's power is based on. They are determined to achieve the liberation of Northern Ireland by force although lately , the IRA has said that it will no more use force to achieve it's aims. Sinn Féin is now a member of the Northern Island Govenment and has two cabinet posts.