I am amazed that I am a product of a sperm and an egg. Out of the millions of millions of sperm, only one made it to unite with the egg. It is hard to believe that this tiny, DNA carrying cell can combine with an egg of a female to produce a human being. As I think about this process, I realized that life began as a competition and I came out to be the victor. .
Once the egg has been fertilized, it is then called the zygote. This phase is called the "period of the zygote" and it last one till two weeks after conception. As the zygote rapidly divides itself, it travels down the fallopian to implant itself into the uterine wall. This process takes about two weeks to complete. Approaching the fourth day, the zygote is shaped into a hollow ball. The outer layer of the ball will support the baby during the pregnancy and the inner layer will form the baby. After one week, the zygote will arrive at the uterus. The zygote then implants itself into the uterine wall and then it connects to the blood vessels of the mother. This connection means that everything that the mother eat or drink will also be passed onto her unborn baby. I would like to emphasize that this connection between mother and baby should be taken very seriously. The blood vessel that connects the baby to its mother and exchanges nutrients and waste is called the placenta. Through this connection, one should remember whatever u intake will be passed onto their baby so you should not consume anything that could harm your baby. This also shows that mothers should not drink alcohol, which can cause serious birth defects. Research also shows that alcohol can cause damage to the baby's developing brain. It is common sense that even as a grown adult, alcohol can cause serious damage to your liver and brain cells. In terms, the negative effects would probably be a lot greater on your unborn baby. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a disorder that affects the babies of mothers who drinks a lot of alcohol during pregnancy.