One question that might cross many parents mind is "should teachers make a practice of praising students who do good work"? Many people think that the teachers should be the motivator for the students, by rewarding them with prizes or greater privileges. Rather than criticizing unwanted behavior or answers, reward correct behavior and answers. The rewards should be small and not large, because if they are small they will think that they will have to accomplish more to get a bigger reward.
There are reasons why students shouldn't be rewarded. Many arguments has caused controversy between other students and their parents. When rewarding other students for their accomplishments you might be lowering another students self-esteem in the process. "The problem with rewards doesn't stop here. According to Kohn, rewarding students for learning actually makes them less interested in the material". (Kohn, 1993). With the program that I talked about, using tokens for the reward can cause some controversy also, because with students who are already interested in that particular subject matter may cause students to be less interested in that subject area when the program has ended. Students with behavioral problems sometimes think that when they get into trouble and sent to the principles office they are being rewarded. They think they are being rewarded, because they are missing out on the work that is being done in the classroom by the other students. The teacher always takes action on a misbehaved student by either punishing them by putting them in the corner or by sending them to the office. We as teachers need to figure out a way to talk with the misbehaved student and .
try to make them understand what they are doing is wrong. .
When considering using award schemes you need to be very careful when doing so, because they can act as motivators for the young students and they can also provide a means of acknowledging the work the students do.