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Gay rights

Often time's people will claim that gay people make them feel uncomfortable and that they are afraid of being hit on by somebody of the same sex. However, because someone is gay it does not mean that they are going to automatically sexually harass every person they see that is the same gender as they are. In fact many gay people claim that they would feel uncomfortable hitting on someone if they weren't sure they were gay. With this in mind, heterosexuals should ask themselves what the big deal is if they are working with a gay or straight person unless their trade is in the sex industry, which most times people in that industry don't really have a sexual preference.
             After almost a decade of being known as social outcasts, gays have been able to clear up their bad reputations to some extent. However the gay community is constantly fighting battles in order to be treated with the respect and equality that they deserve. The latest dispute is the right for homosexuals to get married in the U.S. It is actually each states choice whether or not gays can get married, therefor if states begin to set examples of tolerance, than pretty soon the entire country will be more tolerant of gays. It is the government's responsibility to set examples for our country. Not allowing two people who are in love to get married and be entitled to the same benefits as another couple is not exactly the "American way". Vermont is the first state that has agreed to granting "civil unions" to gays, however if the couple is from out of state they are still not entitled to rights that other married couples have such as making health and financial decisions. .
             Having children is also another issue that homosexuals must deal with. Often, two homosexuals in a monogamous relationship desire having a family even if they are not legally married. Therefor they may resort to artificial insemination or surrogate parenting.

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