For many weeks after Timmy's injury, Timmy's mother and grandmother were very depressed, and they cried all the time. Timmy wasn't too scared about getting drafted for war and he was willing to go when called. He knew there was something his mother wasn't telling him. Finally one day Timmy's mother and grandmother sat him down and told him they have to have a very serious talk with him. As soon as Timmy's grandmother started talking, Timmy's mother ran out of the room crying. Timmy knew right then it was about his father. She told Timmy that his grandfather and his father both died in the Korean War. She explained to him what his mother was going through. Timmy's grandmother told him that there was no other man in his mother's life and that his mother and she will do everything in their power to keep him from going to war and losing him.
Four months before Timmy's 18th birthday, his mother told Timmy that they were selling the house and moving to Canada. She knew that if they lived in Canada he could not get drafted (Surrey 105). Timmy told his mother that he didn't want to move and it was not definite that he would even get drafted. So Timmy's mother held off from moving. The sentiment in Canada was not welcoming (Surrey 107). There were already many American resisters, draft dodgers and their families moving to Canada (Surrey 108). .
Timmy finally turned 18, and got his draft card. When his draft card arrives his mother burns it immediately. She was not expressing contempt for America, but love for her son (Bender 181). Timmy's mother attended a SDS (students for a democratic society) meeting at a college nearby her, where they protested the war and encouraged the burning of draft cards (Wells 124).
In this time many people were rioting opposing the war, and opposing the draft (Wells 206). Timmy's mother decided to join and get involved in one of the riots that were happening.