What should we do if our life turns out differently, than we expected it to .
be? We want everything to be good: work, home, family, kids, education and, .
finally, the retirement. That is the life of many people. But the perfect life is not .
the result for everyone. The fights in the family, children problems, divorce, .
financial and many other problems are poisoning our life. Could it be that people .
are born into this world just to suffer? That is what some of the religions are .
telling us by promising a happy life only in heaven. This is not true. In theory .
people are born into this world to enjoy everything that exist;- love, friends, .
discoveries and many other things that make people happy. Anyhow, many times, .
even if everything is all right we never know when and how we might get .
involved in an abusive relationship or become a violent.
Many people are thinking that people in abusive relationship can easily .
always leave that relationship, but that is not true. Everything is not as simple .
as some of us think it is. Sometimes it is even difficult to know when you are .
being abused. Even if verbal or emotional abuse may not seem as serious as .
physical violence, the results can be devastating. It can damage a person`s sense .
of worth or self-esteem. So why is it that people in such relationships cannot just .
leave? One of the reasons is that a lot of victims may live with the false hope that .
the violence will end. They believe that some day everything will change and .
everything will be all right. Such an example we saw in the movie "Radio Flyer". .
A new alcoholic stepfather enters the family and begins to beat young Bobby. .
When finally the police arrest him, Bobby`s mom promises him that it will never .
happen again because their stepfather is not coming back. Latter their stepfather .
came back home and he was promising that it will never happen again. She .
forgives him with a hope that he really changed.